The danger of taking too many antibiotics

Posted by Christine Jurzenski on

Did you know that 50% of all antibiotics prescribed aren't necessary? And because of this, one in five women are resistant to the top six most common antibiotics.
UTIs are the most common infection in women that prompt a doctors visit. At least one in two women and one in 10 men will experience a UTI in their lifetime. We all know the feeling of relief when we get to the doctor and she finally prescribes us antibiotics. Finally, some relief from UTI pain. Typically antibiotics take 1 day to alleviate the symptoms of UTIs, and boom its gone.
However, there are dangers with taking antibiotics for every aliment. Your body's bacteria can start to build resistance to them - which is impressive, but also scary. Because of this fact, we should only use antibiotics when we absolutely need them. According to Dr. Lisa Bebell, a contributor to Harvard Health Publishing:

"If antibiotic resistance continues to grow, more people will need intravenous treatment for UTIs we used to cure with simple oral antibiotic courses. We’re also likely to see more complications, like kidney infections and sepsis, arising from ineffective treatment."  

So how do we beat bacteria at its own game? We use preventative methods, instead of diagnostic. Fancy, huh?

For UTIs this can include the usual 'pee after sex' initiatives, drinking lots of water, never holding our pee etc. But it can also include drinking high PAC cranberry. And obviously since you're reading our blog, these PACs can be found in CRANEL. Our CRANEL 100ml shot contains 3,000 cranberries and 500mg of PACs (psst doctors recommend at least 36mg of PACs to prevent UTIs). So the next time you're worried about overdosing on antibiotics, remember that preventative measures are the key.
And if you must take antibiotics, it was recently discovered that cranberries can make your body more susceptible to antibiotics (yes, for real!).
Professors at McGill University found that cranberry extract can make bacteria more sensitive to antibiotics.


This happens for two reasons, firstly, cranberry extract made the membranes of the bacteria more permeable to the antibiotic. Secondly, the cranberry extract disrupted the mechanism that bacteria typically use to eliminate the antibiotic. As Professor Nathalie stated in the study:
"When we simultaneously treated the bacteria with an antibiotic and the cranberry extract, no resistance developed. We were very surprised by this, and we see it as an important opportunity.”
Even more reason to give us a try:



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