Recurring UTIs | Help

Posted by Christine Jurzenski on

Dr. Kalpana Gupta, infectious diseases specialist and lecturer in medicine at Harvard Medical School, has good news and bad news about those pesky UTIs.
👎The bad news, recurring UTIs aren’t necessarily your fault, some women are just prone to them (bummer).
👍The good news, you’re not doing anything wrong (yay!) as recurring UTIs aren’t necessarily your fault, some women are just prone to them!
Check out how CRANEL can help keep them away!  
💡Did you know? UTIs account for nearly 12 MILLION doctor visits every year in the US (per the National Kidney Foundation)’re not alone.
🤷‍♀️ So what causes recurrent UTIs? A UTI occurs when harmful bacteria enter the urinary tract and cause inflammation. Recurrent UTIs can be caused by bacteria that remain in the urinary tract after a previous infection.
Try some of these tips to prevent UTIs before they happen:
1. Drink plenty of water. Aim for about 2 to 3 litres per day.
2. Use alternative contraception that doesn’t include spermicide.
3. Empty your bladder immediately after sex.
4. Wipe from front to back.
*What’s CRANEL you ask?
Cranel is a daily shot of 3,000 cranberries + water. That’s it! No sugar, no flavouring, no surprises. Check it out.
Good luck, and may the UTI Gods ever be in your favour.

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